Bias tape is one of the most useful tools for sewing. It is used as a way to hem round edges such as necklines or armholes with the least amount of fuss. There are a couple of different ways of using it, all of which I will tell you about in this post.
You can easily buy bias tape from any sewing shop and haberdashery, but you can also make it yourself with any fabric.
How To Make bias Tape:
1. The first way to make bias tape, is the more expensive. From any sewing shop, or online shop, you can buy bias tape makers. I have a set of these in different sizes and they are very easy to use:
Cut your fabric: the length of your choice, and the width of your bias binding maker size (e.g: 10mm, 15mm, etc.) doubled.
Push your fabric into the wide end of the maker.
Push the fabric through the maker. To get it through to the other side, you may need the help of a pin or any other small tool.
Once your fabric comes out of the thinner side, you iron the folds it will create flat.
Continue this process till the end of your fabric.
The last thing you do, is to fold the bias tape in half, width ways and iron flat.
2. The second way is to completely start from scratch. All you need it your fabric and an iron.
Cut your fabric: your desired length by the size you would like your bias tape to be, doubled.
Fold your fabric in half width ways and iron flat.
Open it back up, fold one edge into the centre fold and iron flat.
Repeat with the other side.
Fold the fabric in half again and iron flat.
Note: For extra help, there is a video at the bottom of the page.
How to Use Bias Tape:
1. This first method is generally used for necklines and armholes. With the finished project, you will not be able to see any of the tape from the outside.
Open your bias tape up, and pin right sides together with the edge of your other fabric.
Using the crease from the fold as your guideline, sew along the bias tape.
Fold the tape around the fabric and pin it to the wrong side of the fabric. Make sure your second fold is not open, so that there are no raw edges.
Oversew across the bias tape to finish.
2. This method is very similar to the first, but you see the tape from the outside and inside.
Open your bias tape up, and pin right sides together with the edge of your other fabric.
Using the crease from the fold as your guideline, sew along the bias tape.
Fold the tape around the fabric, but mot all the way so that you hide all the tape.
Make sure your second fold is not open, so that there are no raw edges and oversew across the bias tape to finish.