This FREE pattern will teach you how to make a gorgeous embroidered corner bookmark! It is a very simple pattern and you will only need to know a few basic embroidery stitches to make it. If you are only starting embroidery, then here are two of my blog posts for extra help:
For this pattern, you will need to use craft felt. The reason I have chosen this fabric is because it is firm and sturdy, so it will be easy to embroider and it will not in any way damage the book when you are putting it on the page.
For the embroidery design, you can do whatever you like, or you can copy my design which will be shown in a picture later on.
There is also a video at the bottom of the page.

What You Will Need:
Some craft felt (e.g. white or light grey)
Embroidery thread in whatever colours you choose
Embroidery needle
Scissors/pinking shears
Paper and pencil
General sewing equipment
Drawing the pattern:
On a piece of paper draw a horizontal line of 3".
From one end of this line draw a vertical line of 3".

Connect the two points of the lines.

Add a 1/2" seam allowance all around the triangle.

For the embroidery design, you can either copy mine from the picture below or create your own. (For more help see here)

Cut your triangle out, and you have your paper pattern.

The Fabric:
Cut a square measuring 3.5" x 3.5" out of your craft felt.
Place your triangle on a piece of craft felt and cut it out.

Transfer your embroidery design onto the right side of the triangle using tracing paper or fabric transfer paper (or by eye).
Using whatever coloured thread you would like, embroider your design onto the felt.

Place your triangle, wrong sides together, onto one of the corners of the square.

Oversew around the entire square, using a 5/8" seam allowance (I like to use a contrasting thread for this step).

Neaten the edges of the bookmark by cutting around it with scissors or pinking shears.

Here is a video for extra help: